Monday 27 February 2017

Friday 24 February 2017

Idea otwartych kompostowników

„Otwarty kompostownik” - miejsce, do którego każdy może nieodpłatnie przynosić organiczne odpadki kuchenne wyprodukowane we własnym domu. Planuje otworzyć sieć takich w Piekarach.

Monday 20 February 2017

Wokół Ziemi krąży kilkadziesiąt tysięcy obiektów.

Odłamek kosmicznych śmieci uszkodził Międzynarodową Stację Kosmiczną, a dwie satelity zderzyły się ze sobą – to jedne z wielu takich zdarzeń. Wokół naszej planety krążą setki tysięcy śmieci, które zagrażają satelitom i załogom pojazdów kosmicznych. ESA chce rozwiązać ten problem i zacząć sprzątać orbitę Ziemi. W tym celu przygotowuje misję e.Deorbit, która usunie ogromnego satelitę Envisat. Jeden z kluczowych mechanizmów satelity „sprzątającego” projektują polscy inżynierowie.

Cały artykuł dostępny tutaj.

Wednesday 15 February 2017


Produkt nie może być wyrzucany do odpadów domowych. Źle składowany może mieć negatywne konsekwencje dla zdrowia i środowiska.

Monday 6 February 2017

3500 elektrycznych samochodów

Szwedzki Vattenfall zmienia całą swoją flotę pojazdów samochodowych napędzanych silnikami spalinowymi na elektryczne. One step beyond.

Over 3.500 passenger vehicles and light commercial vehicles in Sweden, the Netherlands and Germany will be replaced by electric alternatives over a period of five years.

With this important step Vattenfall takes a great leap forward towards its sustainable ambitions to be climate neutral by 2050. Vattenfall has been active in E-mobility since 2009 and has invested heavily in electric transport because of its enormous potential to contribute to the energy transition and the reduction of CO2-emissions.
“We already help our customers drive electric by supplying charging points. With the decision to switch our own fleet we do not only contribute to reducing CO2-emissions in Europe, but we also want to set an example for other companies,” says Martijn Hagens, Head of Customers and Solutions Vattenfall and responsible for E-mobility.

EU Member States and the EU Parliament have already agreed that transport emissions should be reduced with 60% by 2050. Vattenfall supports the move towards zero emission transport, but emphasizes that steps have to be taken to turn the EU-strategy into concrete policies and actions.
“The outlines for success are already in place. Driving electric is far cheaper than driving on fossil fuels and we help to build a solid charging infrastructure in Europe. But to be able to fully switch our fleet, availability and freedom of choice in cars are very important as well”, adds Hagens. “The trend towards more affordable batteries with a wider range has already set in, which is why we believe the time is right to make this change. But electric cars still require a high financial investment. And if you look at for example company vans, there isn’t much choice yet. Stricter CO2-emission standards on an EU-level would help give car manufacturers the confidence that the development of electric vehicles is the true way forward, hopefully resulting in market growth and a wider range of cars at lower prices.”

Over a period of five years starting in January 2017, Vattenfall will gradually switch its fleet, with 1.700 vehicles in Sweden, 1.100 in Germany and 750 in the Netherlands. The types of vehicle vary from passenger cars to technical support vehicles and maintenance vans. The development of the market for electric vehicles will be crucial for this ambition to be met.

Facts: Vattenfall offers charging solutions to both retail and business customers and operates close to 6.000 electric vehicle charging points in Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands. The electricity supplied to electric vehicles equalled 45 million zero-emission kilometres in 2016, or 998 times around the earth. Vattenfall is operating both normal and fast charging stations, and is a front runner in developing new solutions for wireless charging, smart charging and bus charging. 
For more information, please contact:Vattenfall’s Press Office, telephone: +46 (0) 8 739 50 10